Long Close - Woodstock
3 detached houses for different clients while being mindful of the tree in the centre of the site, the surrounding conservation Area and the setting of Blenheim Palace.
This scheme started as a speculative development for Lewis Properties Ltd. The brief to get 10,000sqft of accommodation while being mindful of the tree in the centre of the site, the surrounding conservation Area and the setting of Blenheim Palace. Plot 2 was sold as a site and we worked for the purchaser to tailor the design to their requirements, going back for Planning before the scheme started on site. Plot 1 was also sold on, but this time Lewis Properties worked with the Client to agree the internal alterations before we amended the detailed design to suit.
The result is a scheme for three different Clients but within the same style creating a harmonious external look, but also taking account of each Client’s particular design wishes. While we spent lot of time of the external appearance the interiors were design by Lewis Properties who have done an amazing job mixing traditional and contemporary styles.